PDF and ….. Cheese!

The 2012 PDF Technical Conference was held in Basel, Switzerland on March 27th and March 28th.  Organized by the PDF Association it provided two days packed with informative presentations and discussions on many aspects of PDF.   Topics included PDF/A-2 and 3, PDF/UA, PDF/X and many other technical PDF subject areas. Current and future planned  PDF ISO Standards were detailed.  PDF/A validators and in particular, the differences in quality between PDF/A validators was raised as a potential concern. PDF/A validators are not Standardised, with validators checking compliance against a differing number and aspect of PDF/A requirement. Some validators that we are aware of, concerningly, do not even report which aspects of PDF/A compliance are being checked and if a document fails, why it fails!

Several of Aquaforest’s members of staff attended the conference. Having only just returned from Basel we will shortly work on collating the information learned, with the view to passing on those details which we think will be of relevance and of help. We will post these in our blog.

There really was a lot of extremely useful information to take in, so dinner on the evening of the 27th came as a welcome and thoroughly enjoyable break – which being in Switzerland included cheese fondue!

The conference was held at Adobe’s offices in Basel old town.  Attendees had travelled from the USA, middle east and all over Europe. 






Neil Pitman

Head of IT Business Solutions

Neil established Aquaforest in 2001 to provide high-performance PDF, OCR, and SharePoint products to a worldwide market.



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